Story Time英语手抄报图片、内容

来源:星星报网    作者:XingXingBao    更新时间:2019-4-3

Story Time英语手抄报图片、内容

Story Time英语手抄报内容:

It’s Storytime: My Dad and the Cow

This is a true story I’m about to tell you.

I know it’s true, because while I wasn’t yet born, I have heard the story, over and over, told by all the participants, my whole life.

It is an illustration of the sort of people my parents were, and a glimpse at the kind of life I experienced on my grandparent’s farm in West Virginia, in the sixties, seventies and early eighties. This life is one that is long gone, and was a part of the past even as I lived it, for most of my peers were astonished that I was privy to experiences that were most similar to the lifestyles of the earlier decades of the twentieth century.

Now, before I get on to the meat of the story, as it were, I have to give a few caveats and warnings.

You see, there is livestock in this story, and there is some violence, both in word and deed. That is to say, while there is no blood and guts involved, there is a might bit of pain and no small amount of cussing that goes on in this tale.

So, if you are a vegan, or an animal rights activist, you might not want to read this story, because I suspect you will not see the humor in it, and might get the idea that I and my family are a bunch of hillbilly barbarians who treat animals like objects with no feelings of remorse. This could not be further from the truth, of course, because we always treated our pets and livestock with fondness,love and care, if not always with dignity, as you will see. But, we took care of them when they were sick, we helped them give birth, we nurtured and loved them and fed them well and generally, gave them happy lives, filled with as much tranquility as possible, with a few exceptions.

This story illustrates one of those exceptions.

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